The individual chapters of the report (PDF) and its
Summary for Policymakers (PDF; 1.12 Mbytes)
can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the images of their front pages below. Click HERE for the full report (19 Mbytes).
The full report (PDF; 20 Mbytes) and its
Summary for Policymakers (PDF; 2.7 Mbytes)
can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the images of their front pages below.
2. Heat Energy and Temperature
3. CO2 Measurements in Atmosphere and Ice Cores
4. Chemical Laws for Distribution of CO2 in Nature
5. Carbon Isotopes in Atmospheric CO2
8. Footnote and Further Reading
Go to my Global Warming Volume 2 paper ?
DOWNLOAD my ESEF Vol 2 Chapter (PDF approx. 500 kbytes):
Segalstad, T. V. 1998: Carbon cycle modelling and the residence time of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric CO2:
on the construction of the "Greenhouse Effect Global Warming" dogma. In Bate, R. (Ed.): Global warming: the continuing debate. ESEF, Cambridge, U.K. (ISBN 0952773422), pp. 184-219.
WATCH my "CO2 Experiment".
This video shows that a candle floating on water, burning in the air inside a glass, converts the oxygen in the air to CO2. The water rises in the glass because the CO2, which replaced the oxygen, is quickly dissolved in the water.
The water contains calcium ions Ca++, because we initially dissolved calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in the water. The CO2 produced during oxygen burning reacts with the calcium ions to produce solid calcium carbonate CaCO3, which is easily visible as a whitening of the water when we switch on a flashlight.
This little kitchen experiment demonstrates the inorganic carbon cycle in nature. The oceans take out our anthropogenic CO2 gas by quickly dissolving it as bicarbonate HCO3-, which in turn forms solid calcium carbonate either organically in calcareous organisms or precipitates inorganically.
The CaCO3 is precipitating and not dissolving during this process, because buffering in the ocean maintains a stable pH around 8. We also see that CO2 reacts very fast with the water, contrary to the claim by the IPCC that it takes 50 - 200 years for this to happen.
Try this for yourself in your kitchen!
SE HER mitt "CO2 Eksperiment".
Uten å kunne påberope meg noen ekspertise når det gjelder videoproduksjoner, har jeg laget en liten (bare 36 sekunder lang) video av et kjøkken-eksperiment med CO2. Eksperimentet er nesten det samme som de fleste av oss gjorde på skolen, for å vise at luften består av ca. en femtedel oksygen og ca. fire femtedeler nitrogen.
Eksperimentet viser at oksygen og nitrogen løses svært dårlig i vann, men at CO2 løses godt og raskt opp i vann.
Denne lille videoen viser at et lite stearinlys flytende på vannet, brenner i luften inni et glass som settes over, ved at oksygenet i luften brenner til CO2. Vannet stiger opp i glasset fordi CO2, som erstatter oksygenet, raskt oppløses i vannet. Vannet her inneholder kalsiumioner Ca++, fordi vi først løste opp kalsiumhydroksid Ca(OH)2 i vannet.
Den CO2 som ble produsert da oksygenet brant, reagerer med kalsiumionene for å danne fast kalsiumkarbonat CaCO3, som sees tydelig som en blakking av vannet når vi belyser det med lyset fra en lykt.
Dette lille kjøkken-eksperimentet demonstrerer den uorganiske karbonsyklusen i naturen. Oseanene tar ut vår menneskeskapte (antropogene) CO2-gass ved raskt å løse den opp som bikarbonat HCO3-, som videre feller ut fast kalsiumkarbonat med oseanenes oppløste kalsiumioner, enten organisk i kalkdannende organismer eller utfelles uorganisk.
Vi observerer at kalsiumkarbonat CaCO3 utfelles, og oppløses ikke ved denne prosessen, fordi bufring i oseanene gjør at det holdes en konstant pH rundt 8. Vi observerer også at CO2 løses meget raskt opp i vannet, stikk i strid med det som hevdes av FN's klimapanel IPCC, at det skulle ta 50 - 200 år før dette vil skje.
Prøv det selv hjemme i ditt eget kjøkken!
DOWNLOAD our report "Atmospheric CO2 and global warming: a critical review - 2nd revised edition" by Jaworowski, Z., Segalstad, T.V. & Hisdal, V. (1992) published in Norsk Polarinstitutt [Norwegian Polar Institute] Meddelelser [Letters], Vol. 119, 76 pp. (PDF approx. 3.7 Mbytes). Note that this best-selling issue is sold out, and will not be re-issued. The report is now downloadable here, with summary in Norwegian at the end of the report [med norsk sammendrag på slutten av rapporten].
DOWNLOAD our paper "Do glaciers tell a true atmospheric CO2 story?" by Jaworowski, Z., Segalstad, T.V. & Ono, N. (1992) published in the top international environmental scientific journal "Science of the Total Environment" Vol. 114, p. 227 - 284 (PDF approx. 6.5 Mbytes)
DOWNLOAD our geochemical research paper about extremely CO2 rich volcanics by: Anthony, E. Y., Segalstad, T. V. & Neumann, E.-R. (1989): Unusual mantle source regions for nephelinites from the Oslo Rift, Norway. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, p. 1067-1076 (PDF approx. 1.3 Mbytes).
DOWNLOAD my petrological research paper about these extremely CO2 rich volcanics: Segalstad, T. V. (1979): Petrology of the Skien basaltic rocks, southwestern Oslo region, Norway. Lithos 12, p. 221-239 (PDF approx. 2.6 Mbytes).
DOWNLOAD my paper on stable isotope analysis: Segalstad, T. V. (1982): Stable Isotope Analysis. In: Stable Isotopes in Hydrocarbon Exploration, Norwegian Petroleum Society No. 6904, Stavanger, 21 pp (PDF approx. 4 Mbytes).
DOWNLOAD our paper on stable isotope analysis of juvenile CO2 from the Earth's mantle: O'Reilly, S., Griffin, W. L. & Segalstad, T. V. (1990): The nature and role of fluids in the upper mantle: Evidence in xenoliths from Victoria, Australia. In Herbert, H. K. & Ho, S. E. (Eds.): Stable isotopes and fluids in mineralization. Geology Department & University Extension, The University of Western Australia Publ. 23, p. 315-323. (PDF approx. 1.1 Mbytes).
Segalstad, T. V. (1978): Petrology of the Skien basaltic rocks and the early basaltic (B1) volcanism of the Permian Oslo rift. In Neumann, E.-R. & Ramberg, I. B. (Eds.): Petrology and geochemistry of continental rifts. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, p. 209-216.
Anthony, E. Y., Segalstad, T. V. & Neumann, E.-R. (1987): Characterization of mantle source regions for alkali basalts from a continental rift zone: The Oslo Region, Norway. Geological Society of America Abstr. Progr. 19, p. 573.
Anthony, E. Y. & Segalstad, T. V. (1988): Unusual mantle source regions for nephelinite magmas from the Permian Oslo Rift, Norway. Geological Society (London) Newsletter 17, No. 1, p. 44.
Segalstad, T. V. (1983): Eksplosive vulkanutbrudd - 100 år siden Krakatau-utbruddet. Naturen 107, No. 5-6, p. 163-169.
Walder, I. F., Norman, D. I., Kyle, P. & Segalstad, T. V. (1991): Analysis of dissolved solids in fluid inclusion waters from the Drammen Granite, Norway. Geological Society of America Abstr. Progr. 23 (5), p. 148.
Walder, I. F., Norman, D. I. & Segalstad, T. V. (1991): Fluid inclusion gas analysis of hydrothermal vein molybdenum deposits associated with the Drammen granite in the Permian Oslo Rift, Norway. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 42, p. 195-203.
Walder, I. F., Norman, D. I., Kyle, P. R. & Segalstad, T. V. (1992): Hydrothermal fluid chemistry of fluid inclusion extracted gases and salts of the Drammen granites, Permian Oslo Rift, Norway. 20th Nordic Geologic Winter Meeting, Reykjavik, p. 181.
Jaworowski, Z., Segalstad, T. V. & Hisdal, V. 1990: Atmospheric CO2 and global warming: a critical review. Norsk Polarinstitutts Rapportserie 59, 1-75 & i-ii.
Jaworowski, Z., Hoff, P., Lund, W., Hagen, J.O. & Segalstad, T. V. (1990): Radial migration of impurities in the glacier ice cores. Norsk Polarinstitutt, 71 pp.
Segalstad, T. V. & Jaworowski, Z. (1991): CO2 og globalt klima. Kjemi 51 (10), p. 13-15.
Segalstad, T. V. (1997): Die CO2-Verteilung in Atmosphäre, Hydrospäre und Lithosphäre; minimale Auswirkung von anthropogenem CO2 auf den globalen Treibhaus-effekt. In Emsley, J. (Ed.): Die Klima-Diskussion. ESEF, Bourne Press Ltd., Bournemouth, Dorset, U.K., p. 36-48.
Klikk for å lese om Islands vulkanisme, og bl.a. hvor mye CO2 som kommer fra islandske vulkaner.
Click to read about Iceland's volcanism, and how much CO2 comes from Icelandic volcanoes [in Norwegian, with animations of the April 2010 eruption].
The animation above I made from multiple web camera frames; courtesy of
LAST NED min artikkel "Eksplosive vulkanutbrudd - 100 år siden Krakatau-utbruddet" fra Naturen, Vol. 107, No. 5-6, side 163-169; 1983 (ca. 1.5 Mbyte).
DOWNLOAD my "What is CO2 - friend or foe?" Invited Speaker PowerPoint Presentation for the KTH International Climate Seminar, Stockholm, 11 Sept. 2006 (expanded version; approx. 6.5 Mbytes); updated 23 April 2008.
DOWNLOAD my abstract "What is CO2 - friend or foe?" presented at 9th International Symposium on Mining in the Arctic, Norway, 10 Sept. 2007, Program & Abstracts, p. 9-10 (PDF file; approx. 18 kbytes).
DOWNLOAD my abstract "Carbon isotope mass balance modelling of atmospheric vs. oceanic CO2." presented at 33rd International Geological Congress, Norway, 8 Aug. 2008, Program & Abstracts (PDF; 57 kBytes).
DOWNLOAD my abstract "The amount of non-fossil CO2 in the atmosphere." Oral and poster presentation at the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Chapman Conference on Climate, Volcanism, and Global Change, March 23 - 27, 1992, Hilo, Hawaii; Abstracts, page 25 (PDF 33 kbytes)
DOWNLOAD my extended abstract "Stable isotope geochemistry applied to paleoclimatological and greenhouse gas problems."
Invited Keynote Lecture, 1st International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (AIG), Aug. 29 - Sept. 3, 1993, Geiranger, Norway. Program and Abstracts,
Institutt for Energiteknikk, IFE/KR/E-93/007 (ISSN 0333-2039; ISBN 82-7017-130-1), pages 95 - 96 (PDF 43 kbytes)
DOWNLOAD my guest editorial article "Correct timing is everything - also for CO2 in the air."
Segalstad, T.V. 2009: Correct timing is everything - also for CO2 in the air. CO2 Science, Vol. 12, No. 31; 5 August 2009 (PDF 51 kbytes).
LINK to "CO2 Science" HERE.
DOWNLOAD a good paper by Chauncey Starr: "Atmospheric CO2 Residence Time and the Carbon Cycle"
from Energy, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1297-1310; 1993 (PDF 7.6 Mbytes). Some annotations there are mine ...
Samlede CO2-utslipp fra 1750 til idag vs. atmosfærisk CO2, beregnet fra de data IPCC baserer seg på:
Diagrammet viser at menneskenes utslipp av CO2 fra brenning av fossile brensler kan ikke være årsaken til stigningen i luftens CO2.
LES min artikkel "Ikke alt er menneskeskapt"
på webavisen publisert 24. juli 2008.
LES min artikkel "Har havet virkelig blitt avkjølt 11 °C siden 1860?"
på webavisen publisert 8. juni 2015.
LES min artikkel "Nature: CO2 øker planteproduktivitet!"
på webavisen Klimarealistene publisert 22. april 2016.
Accumulated CO2 emissions from 1750 to today vs. atmospheric CO2, computed from the data which IPCC uses:
The diagram shows that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 from burning of fossil fuels cannot be the reason for the increase in atmospheric CO2.
LINK to my article "Not all is anthropogenic"
in the Norwegian web research newspaper published 24 July 2008 (in Norwegian).
READ my CFACT Commentary: "The Construction of Dogmas in Climate Science"
LAST NED [DOWNLOAD] min artikkel "CO2 og klima - tukler vi med Jordens termostat?"
fra tidsskriftet Norsk Oljerevy, Vol. 22, Nr. 10, Side 16 - 28; 1996 (som 8 stk. innscannede grafiske JPG-bilder; hver ca. 200-300 kbytes)
[my paper "CO2 and climate - are we fumbling with the Earth's thermostat?" from the journal Norwegian Oil Review,
Vol. 22, No. 10, Page 16 - 28; 1996; in Norwegian]
(Mellom enkelte av artikkelens sider var det reklame i tidsskriftet).
Hele artikkelen som PDF-fil / The whole article as PDF file (ca. 1.5 Mbyte)
LAST NED [DOWNLOAD] min kronikk
"Klimatrusel og dommedagsprofetier" fra Aftenposten, Vol. 130, Nr. 406, Side 10; 5. September 1989 (som PDF-fil; ca. 242 kbytes)
[my chronicle "Climate threat and doomsday prophecies" from the Norwegian national newspaper Aftenposten,
Vol. 130, No. 406, Page 10; 5 September 1989; in Norwegian].
My figure seeks to visualize that the atmosphere - ocean - limestone system is analogous to breathing CO2 into lime water precipitating solid calcium carbonate.
"Global Warming Petition" signed by approximately 19.000 American scientists.
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] an interesting paper by Alan Siddons & Joe D'Aleo:
"Carbon Dioxide: The Houdini of Gases" from (PDF; 303 kbytes),
showing that humans cannot be responsible for the documented rise of carbon in the atmosphere --
not only do the numbers fail to match, but the numbers can't be made to match.
The graph above shows the rise in total atmospheric C in CO2 (in gigatonnes of carbon, red color)
since 1750, compared with anthropogenic (human) emissions of C in CO2 (in gigatonnes of carbon, green color).
Note that the green curve starts at zero in 1750, let to start at 590 Gt C for graphical reasons.
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] an excellent paper by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski, for many years head of the UN Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Radiation (UNSCEAR)
"CO2 : The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time" from EIR Science, 16 March 2007, Pages 38-53
(as PDF-file; approx. 571 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] the paper by Dr. Lance Endersbee
"Ocean temperature and CO2 : Global climate change has natural causes" from EIR Science, March 7, 2008, Pages 52-55
(as PDF-file; 231 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] another paper by Dr. Lance Endersbee
"Oceans are the main regulators of carbon dioxide" from Civil Engineers Australia, April, 2008, Pages 36-37
(as PDF-file; 318 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] the paper by Dr. Joel M. Kauffman
"Climate Change Reexamined" from Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 21, No. 4, Pages 723-749, 2007
(as PDF-file; 381 kbytes).
LINK TO viewpoints on
"Error Theory" by Alec Rawls.
READ the essay
"Anthropogenic Global Warming Propaganda" by B. Cooper.
LINK TO a report on Dr. Vincent Grey's experiences with IPCC:
"The whole process is a swindle". Dr. Grey has been a member of all IPCC Expert Reviewer panels since IPCC's inception.
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] Dr. Vincent Gray's report
"THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM" from April 2008 (as PDF file; ~1.5 Mbytes).
"Open Letter to Madam Speaker and Members of the New Zealand House of Representatives" with a call for a Royal Commission to inquire into climate issues (as PDF file; 924 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] the paper by Zbigniew Jaworowski
"Sun warms and cools the Earth" published in New Zealand Centre for Political Research (NZPRC), 20 September 2008 (PDF file; 1.5 Mbytes).
LINK TO NOAA's report from 1995 that the measured increase in solar irradiance explains the current global warming: LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] William Kininmonth's report
"Unmasking 'An Inconvenient Truth'" (as PDF-file; approx. 890 kbytes).
LINK TO Daniel Engber's article
"The new statistical rhetoric of climate change". This article has relevance on how to understand the IPCC 4th Assessment Report, where its lead authors have been told to use
"Calibrated Language",
using elements of statistical terminology to decribe their subjective "expert judgments".
According to the "IPCC Guidance Notes", their "Quantitatively calibrated levels of confidence" means
for "Medium confidence" "about 5 out of 10 chance".
There is hence a "medium confidence" of getting heads or tails by flipping a coin, or an answer like "yes" or "no" to a question. I would call this pure chance instead of medium confidence.
In statistics we were taught to make numerical estimates based on probabilities of a large population, in order to be allowed to use statistical expressions. Not like IPCC using statistical expressions based on subjective expert judgments! In this way IPCC is making a false impression that serious numerical statistical estimates have been made, while they have not.
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] John McLeans's examination of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (PDF; 1.23 Mbytes)
"Peer review? What peer review? Failures of scrutiny in the UN's Fourth Assessment Report" (as PDF-file; 1.23 Mbytes).
McLean's reports tell us that IPCC does not represent a scientific consensus -- far from it!
Examination of the Responses to Reviewers' Comments of IPCC 4th Assessment Report of Working Group 1 (as PDF-file; 139 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] John McLean's report
"The IPCC's dubious evidence for a human influence on climate" (as PDF-file; 109 kbytes).
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] John McLean's report
"The IPCC Can't Count - Author and Reviewer numbers are wrong" (as PDF-file; 94 kbytes).
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at the UN climate conference in Bali, December 2007. [Sonny Tumbelaka/AFP/Getty Images/National Post.] LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] the
Open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by more than 100 concerned top scientists:
"UN climate conference taking the World in entirely the wrong direction"; dated December 13, 2007 (as PDF-file; 78 kbytes).
Another open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by more than 125 concerned top scientists
in the Financial Post:
"Current scientific knowledge does not substantiate Ban Ki-Moon assertions on weather and climate -
Policy actions that aim to reduce CO2 emissions are unlikely to influence future climate. Policies need to focus on preparations for, and adaption to, all dangerous climate events, however caused";
dated November 29, 2012.
US Senate Report about more than 400 prominent scientists disputed man-made global warming claims in 2007.
Participating scientists at the Global Change Hearing in the US Congress May 30, 2000. Front (L-R): Wibjörn Karlén (Sweden), Peter Dietze (Germany), Fred Singer (USA), Ross McKitrick (Canada),
Hugh Ellsaesser (USA), Richard Courtney (United Kingdom). Back (L-R): Vincent Gray (New Zealand), Keith Idso (USA), Gerd-Rainer Weber (Germany), Pål Brekke (Norway), Douglas Hoyt (USA),
Tom V. Segalstad (Norway). Missing: Albert Arking (USA), David Wojick (USA).
LINK to the web page of the
"International Climate Science Coalition". See there the 2008 MANHATTAN DECLARATION signed by some 500 climate scientists, concluding that "Global Warming" is not a Global Crisis.
DOWNLOAD the report "The Sky is NOT Falling" by the
"Carbon Sense Coalition" (as PDF-file; approx. 161 kbytes) opposing the Australian Garnaut Climate Change Review.
"The NIPCC Report" (as PDF-file; approx. 4.3 Mbytes) as of 3 March 2008, opposing the scientific basis of the IPCC Report.
the final 2009 NIPCC Report: "Climate Change Reconsidered" (as PDF-file; approx. 7.6 Mbytes), opposing the scientific basis of the IPCC Report, edited by Craig Idso & S. Fred Singer;
with contributions from 35 other international scientists (including Tom V. Segalstad).
LINK to the NIPCC (Non-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report and book project HERE. LINK TO Test yourself -
Take the Global Warming Test!
And when you've taken the test, go to the
The complete list of things caused by global warming! Return to Homepage
Former Expert Reviewer with the UN IPCC, Created 29 June 1997; established at 15 March 2008;
updated 1 June 2019.
Blå fylte punkter ("Siple-rå") er rådata fra Siple-iskjernen (Neftel et al. 1985). Blå sirkler ("Siple-jst") er "justerte" data fra Siple-iskjernen (iht. Friedli et al. 1986).
Røde sirkler ("M.Loa") er data fra Mauna Loa-vulkanen, Hawaii (Keeling et al. 2005). Grønt område er samlede utslipp beregnet fra Marland et al. 2007.
Blue filled dots ("Siple-R") are raw data from the Siple ice core (Neftel et al. 1985). Blue circles ("Siple-A") are "adjusted" data from the Siple ice core (according to Friedli et al. 1986).
Red circles ("M.Loa") are data from the Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii (Keeling et al. 2005). Green area ("Cumul") are cumulative annual anthropogenic emissions computed from Marland et al. 2007.
Sammendrag: Karbon og CO2 er fundamentet for alt liv på Jorden.
Luftens CO2 er i minimal mengde og med minimal evne (ca. 2%) til å påvirke drivhuseffekten i forhold til vanndamp (ca. 98%).
Karbonisotopene i luftens CO2 er det absolutte bevis på at menneskelig påvirkning er minimal (maksimalt 4%). CO2's
menneskeskapte andel på 4% av 2% av drivhuseffekten, gir altså en virkning på mindre enn 1 promille av drivhuseffekten. Dette er i en skyfri atmosfære.
Sammenligner vi med skyenes evne til å regulere drivhuseffekten (gjennom å tilbakeholde varme eller å reflektere innstråling fra Solen),
som er +/- 20-30%, blir virkningen fra CO2 neglisjerbar i klimasammenheng. Alle målinger viser at det er en økt innstråling fra Solen
som gir et varmere klima, tidligere kalt et optimalt klima. Men nå skal altså hele verden heller basere all menneskelig virksomhet på at politikere er blitt hjernevasket til å
TRO på en ikke bevist teori.
Abstract: Carbon and CO2 are fundamental for all life on Earth.
CO2 in air is in minimal amount and with minimal capacity (ca. 2%) to influence the "Greenhouse Effect" compared to water vapor (ca. 98%).
The carbon isotopes in the air's CO2 constitute the absolute proof that human influence on the "Greenhouse Effect" is minimal (maximum 4%).
Anthropogenic CO2 amounts to 4% of the 2% of the "Greenhouse Effect", hence an influence of less than 1 permil of the "Greenhouse Effect".
This is valid for a cloud-free atmosphere.
If we compare with the capability of the clouds to regulate the "Greenhouse Effect" (by retention of heat or reflection of solar radiation),
which is +/- 20-30%, the effect of atmospheric CO2 is negligible for climate. All measurements show that increasing incoming solar radiation
gives a warmer climate, previously called an optimum climate. But nowadays the whole world must base all human activities on brainwashed politicians, who BELIEVE in an unproven theory.
LINK TO [DOWNLOAD] an excellent paper by Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson & Willie Soon
"Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" from Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Vol. 12, Pages 79-90; 2007
(as PDF-file; approx. 5.7 Mbytes).
"Solar Databases for Global Change Models" or
Assoc. Professor Emeritus of Resource- and Environmental Geochemistry; and
Former Head, Geological Museum of the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway; and
Former Head of the Natural History Museum and the Botanical Garden, University of Oslo, Norway.
the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change.