8. Footnote and Further Reading

* Footnote:

                         (13C/12C)sample ­ (13C/12C)standard

delta13C    =    ---------------------------------------    *    1000    [permil]


where the reference standard used here is PDB (Pee Dee Belemnite) CaCO3.

Oslo, December 1995.

Manuscript for the chapter printed on pages 41-50 in the book:

Emsley, J. (Ed.) 1996: The Global Warming Debate. The Report of the European Science and Environment Forum. Bourne Press Ltd., Bournemouth, Dorset, UK (ISBN 0952773406). 288 pp.

                                             [Click here for information about The Global Warming Debate]

The book is available from: The European Science and Environment Forum (ESEF),

c/o Administrator Ms. Lorraine Mooney, 4 Church Lane, Barton, Cambridge CB3 7BE, UK.

Phone: (+44)(0)1223-264643; fax: (+44)(0)1223-264645.

E-mail: Lorraine@esef.org

Price: £15.00; $25.00; DM35.00.

Volume 2, "Global Warming: The Continuing Debate" became available in September 1997. The volume seeks to expose the flawed science and its incorrect presentation of certainty, which is the basis for the climate treaty and a major threat to the modern industrial society.

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Created 1997; last Updated October 27, 2007